Title I Distinguished Schools
Posted on 12/06/2018
Congratulations to Riverview and Robinson Elementary Schools on being named 2018 Title I Distinguished Schools. According to Georgia's State School Superintendent Richard Woods, "these public schools are among the very best in the state and are doing extraordinary work on behalf of their students and communities." These schools are among the highest performing schools that represent 5% of all Title I schools in Georgia when ranked according to their most recent CCRPI score. All Distinguished Schools will be eligible to apply for the National ESEA Distinguished Schools Program award, sponsored by the National Association of ESEA State Program Administrators, in 2019. For the past two consecutive years, Riverview Elementary has been a Georgia Highest-Performing Title I school and Robinson Elementary has been a Georgia High-Progress Title I school. This type of recognition occurs only when students, teachers, support staff and parents all work together to strive for academic excellence. We are excited to recognize both schools as 2018 Title I Distinguished Schools.