Inclement Weather - Online Learning Days

Online Learning Plan for School Closures

Dawson County Schools will recover instructional time lost due to school closures by utilizing online learning using Schoology, the district's online learning management system. We understand and realize that during a weather emergency that there could be sporadic power outages, internet unavailability, etc. That is why our lesson plans have activities available online. Upon return to school, students will be given five days to complete any work assigned that may have not been completed.


  • Teachers will post all assignments by 9 am in Schoology on the first Online-Learning day.
  • Assignments will be limited to no more than 20min/subject. This includes any assigned reading, multimedia and/or videos.
  • Students should begin working on their lessons on the day missed when possible. Student work is due five school days after returning to school.
  • Student attendance is not connected to the completion of work.


Class Schedule

When school is closed, DCS elementary (Grades K-5) will no longer use A/B days. Rather, grades K-5 will find online content in the Black Inclement Weather Day folders found in their homeroom courses inside Schoology unless otherwise instructed by the teacher.

Instructional content guidelines will continue to respect the 20min (max)/subject. Connections/Specials content will follow the schedule that students would have the class on the day missed.*  

*Refer to individual school for details.

Please note that elementary schools may have additional specials.


Middle, Junior High, and High

Grades 6th-12th will follow their normal schedule for that day, and students will complete lessons for classes they would have attended that day (For example, on Monday, Tuesday and Friday a school may have a seven-period day, while Wednesday and Thursday they may be a block day).


Teacher Communication

Prior to school closings, teachers will communicate with parents and students how students can find assignments in Schoology and the mode of communication to use to contact teachers. Additionally, teachers will have digital office hours on the days that school is closed.

 Elementary: 9-10 am and 2-3 pm

Middle and High: 10-11 am and 1-2 pm

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